The aftermath of my “romantic movie marathon”

  Yeah, yeah. I’m the girl who binge watches chick flicks, listens to hours of the “wedding songs” station on Pandora and then curls into her comforter on the couch and writes poetry about how love and wintertime somehow correlate…Relatable? Honestly, IM NOT EVEN THAT GIRL…but then again, that’s my Saturday night every few months […]

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Successful Leadership

The other night, at about 1:00am, I couldn’t sleep so I decided to spend all that wasted time actually learning something. In the pitch black darkness of my room, I folded half my body off my bed just to drag my laptop close enough to search with squinted eyes, “ways to become a better leader”. One link led to […]

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I thought it would be all firsts, but heres to my “lasts”

Im graduating. For most young people that sounds a lot like: first apartment, first parties, first late nights out, first solo grocery run, first serious relationships, first (fill in the blank)…. but tonight, all my spirit can hold are the many many “lasts” that come and go each day I brace myself through on my […]

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Body Love

I’ve thought so much about this post. Ive thought about what might offend, what might confuse, what might cause conflict. But as my boldness to be transparent grows, I ask myself instead, what might INSPIRE, what might CHALLENGE, what might HEAL and UNITE, and most importantly I ask myself what I can say on behalf […]

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You know, for a long time I tried to align my life with the expectations of the people surrounding me. I watered down my opinion and I walked through any door directly in front of me just because it was open. Its funny, because at the time, each path seemed so comfortable because I was […]

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