"i hope you find art that looks like worship here. and people who look like love."to know you belong.to believe you are special.

About Me

My name is Brielle Rathbun. In 1999, I was born in Kansas City, Missouri, but hauled butt to St. Louis, Missouri and lived there for a short period of time before a big family leap to Johnson City, Tennessee during the whirlwind of my first 5 years of life. At the age of 8, I […]

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About My Family

In 2008, I had four fantastic siblings, a mom and a dad who loved me well, and a home that instilled a love of art, people, and the crazy goodness of Jesus inside my passionate little body. When I was ten years old, my parents started adopting my little brother, Aklilu, from Ethiopia. Now by […]

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Youtube: Brielle Rathbun Instagram: BriellaBelle Email: Brielle@trinityartscenter.com Facebook: Brielle Rathbun

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Latest Posts

The Most Annoying Things You Don’t Wanna Buy When Moving Out for the First Time

November 30, 2018 | No Comments

There I was. with a cold. staring into the confusion that is the pharmacy section at Publix. When you live at home with your family, you somehow just have everything. But, when you adventure out on your own, it becomes very clear, very fast that you are building your life from practically nothing and you are […]

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8 Tips for Moving to a New City Alone!

August 31, 2018 | No Comments

1. Say yes to (almost) everything!  Extrovert? Say yes. Introvert? Say YES. Hate bowling but are invited to bowl? Definitely go, my friend. There’s no way around it—this is hands down the best way you are going to set yourself up for both meeting new friends and finding new places.  As long as you don’t […]

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What 1 Month Living in Atlanta Has Taught Me

July 10, 2018 | No Comments

U-turns.  Never in my life have I made as many as I have made in the past 30 days.  That’s how long i’ve been in Atlanta. 30 days.  I’m loving the adventure of having no idea where I am. This might all sound crazy to people who know how much I like to plan and […]

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The aftermath of my “romantic movie marathon”

October 29, 2017 | No Comments

  Yeah, yeah. I’m the girl who binge watches chick flicks, listens to hours of the “wedding songs” station on Pandora and then curls into her comforter on the couch and writes poetry about how love and wintertime somehow correlate…Relatable? Honestly, IM NOT EVEN THAT GIRL…but then again, that’s my Saturday night every few months […]

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To my youngest brother, 9 of 9

September 19, 2017 | No Comments

Oh, the prayers I’ve prayed for you, sweet brother of mine. When people ask me what the best thing to ever happened to me was, your smile is often the cover photo of the collage that flashes through my mind. God doesn’t give me many days empty of you and every time I think about […]

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“Gotta dash” …again.

August 21, 2017 | No Comments

I’m working on not making excuses for why I fail other people. It’s not “because my dad left me” or “because my brother got arrested”. Its not “because my sister is sick” or that “my school is overwhelming”. When I bail, its because I made a promise to you that I wasn’t interested enough in […]

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Successful Leadership

August 14, 2017 | No Comments

The other night, at about 1:00am, I couldn’t sleep so I decided to spend all that wasted time actually learning something. In the pitch black darkness of my room, I folded half my body off my bed just to drag my laptop close enough to search with squinted eyes, “ways to become a better leader”. One link led to […]

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How to: Vegan

August 6, 2017 | No Comments

(cover photo from veganinsanity.com) So. You find yourself eating less meat and saying you’re “basically a vegetarian” and after time, get curious about what that would actually look like. From my experience, it looks real good. I ate a traditional American kid diet up until I was 7, when I become a vegetarian. This meant […]

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To the girls who have too many notebooks,

August 5, 2017 | No Comments

(Cover photo from davidjnegron.com) Hi. I’m Brielle. I write this to you because I’m like you. I just chucked 8 old journals last week and I still have 13 left that are busting at the brims. You probably make a lot of lists….a lot of to-do’s and to-don’ts. In those same pages, you might hide […]

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The night before I turn 18

July 1, 2017 | No Comments

Generally, I think a lot. Heck, even specifically I think a lot. Tonight, June 30th 2017, the night before I turn 18, my brain feels the way that the sun looks when it sneaks in and out of trees blowing in the wind. FLASH FLASH WOOSH. ithurtsyoureyesbutyoujustkeeptryingtosee. This hour and 17 minutes that I have […]

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