"i hope you find art that looks like worship here. and people who look like love."to know you belong.to believe you are special.

About Me

My name is Brielle Rathbun. In 1999, I was born in Kansas City, Missouri, but hauled butt to St. Louis, Missouri and lived there for a short period of time before a big family leap to Johnson City, Tennessee during the whirlwind of my first 5 years of life. At the age of 8, I […]

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About My Family

In 2008, I had four fantastic siblings, a mom and a dad who loved me well, and a home that instilled a love of art, people, and the crazy goodness of Jesus inside my passionate little body. When I was ten years old, my parents started adopting my little brother, Aklilu, from Ethiopia. Now by […]

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Youtube: Brielle Rathbun Instagram: BriellaBelle Email: Brielle@trinityartscenter.com Facebook: Brielle Rathbun

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Latest Posts

I thought it would be all firsts, but heres to my “lasts”

April 28, 2017 | No Comments

Im graduating. For most young people that sounds a lot like: first apartment, first parties, first late nights out, first solo grocery run, first serious relationships, first (fill in the blank)…. but tonight, all my spirit can hold are the many many “lasts” that come and go each day I brace myself through on my […]

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Body Love

February 28, 2017 | No Comments

I’ve thought so much about this post. Ive thought about what might offend, what might confuse, what might cause conflict. But as my boldness to be transparent grows, I ask myself instead, what might INSPIRE, what might CHALLENGE, what might HEAL and UNITE, and most importantly I ask myself what I can say on behalf […]

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January 27, 2017 | No Comments

You know, for a long time I tried to align my life with the expectations of the people surrounding me. I watered down my opinion and I walked through any door directly in front of me just because it was open. Its funny, because at the time, each path seemed so comfortable because I was […]

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Become a better narrator.

January 7, 2017 | No Comments

Sitting on the floor of the airport, people watching and listening to music, I find my every thought producing another one. All my flights have been delayed, cancelled, or problematic. Im sweating, my legs are cramping, my face is breaking out, and all I’ve eaten today is Oreos, bananas, and Pringles. Im not killing it. […]

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Drawing Close to God in 2017

January 2, 2017 | No Comments

  LISTEN BETTER I think that too often we run up to God, scream out our questions, and then leaving without staying long enough to listen, we complain we’re “not getting an answer”. STAY. Wait on the Lord. Hear what HE actually says, not just what YOU assumed you’d receive. STOP making coffee dates with […]

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I’m not who you think I am.

December 31, 2016 | No Comments

Well, parts of me are exactly what you might label them, but as a 17 year old in the year (almost) 2017, I’m ready to take a sharpie to this topic. With my own two hands, 26 alphabetical resources, and this big heart I have (that might not be the way I thought it would […]

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